Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Save Your Heritage

I have said this time and time again to all of you, any one that reads my posts you need to start writing down everything that you remember for your children your grandchildren and your great grandchildren.  The reason I am saying this is because I was too busy living my life to ask the questions I needed to two have found out where I came from and who my family are really was.  I have traced back my family tree to the early 1600s, both sides came from England to the United States.  But knowing the statistics is different than knowing who they were what they did.  I am a believer in the fact that what you’re family was, is what you now are. It is so disappointing when you have nothing to go by to try and trace your family tree.  So if you have parents, aunts, uncles,  grandparents, still living take the time I beg of you take the time to ask those questions that you will need to know to pass your heritage down to your descendants.  So once again I beg of you please start writing these things down and if you have older relatives still living record their voices or even better video the interview about your heritage for posterity.  The picture I’m going to add is from sometime around 1901-1902 of my grandmother who is the little baby in my great grandmother’s lap.

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