Saturday, March 17, 2018

I have said time and time again that I travel a different path than most. The path that was put before me, I chose it of my own free will and I will answer for the times that I strayed from the path and followed the path of the world. I and I alone must bear the burden that I have chosen. There have been many of you that have walked along with me for various stages of my life's path. Your company along my way was enjoyable and I was truly grateful for having you there. My wife and my family have followed me along my path, sometimes not so happily, but they followed me in the good times and the bad.
I have also followed along with a lot of you on your life's path and He who gave us our path also put forth different paths for each one of us at various times. We lose those that were following along with us and gain others that cross our paths and we keep losing and gaining many friends along our journey. Some of those would be extremely important. Others were just there when we needed them. The very special ones left a piece of themselves with us and we gave a piece of ourselves to them when they left.
I sometimes think that some of them were there just to keep us company from being lonely or we were there to keep them company. I hope out of the thousands of people I have met in my lifetime that at least one of them can say, ”he was a good soul and I'm glad he passed my way”. I have walked my path with many people that I did not even know their name, but they were a part of what makes up who I am, each and every step taken was taken with purpose and most of them were taken with good intentions in mind.
Unfortunately, every step that I took may not have been good. I just hope that I did not lead anyone off the path He had given them. I have read and tried to keep the knowledge of those that came before me. Those that actually traveled with He who gave us our paths left us with writings that give us the truth, if we are only willing to accept the truth of what our path should and should not be.

For those that accept His teachings and follow what was laid before us as our path, keep in mind, He gave us the choice to follow or not. He also gave us a better choice than that of the world. So when you give someone the knowledge of His gifts and a path He will lay before them, it is not your choice it is theirs.

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