Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Turn on the light

When life seem to be at the darkest point ever, all one has to do is to, is to remember to turn on the light. That's a message that has more meaning than just the written word. The more I think about it the more complex but simple a message it is. I learned many years ago to turn on that light from He that gives me the light and has brightened my path these many years and shown me the way. I have walked the path that is different and more difficult and sometimes easier than everyone else, because it is my path and it is my journey to make. I don't make that journey alone because when I put myself first I lose my way. He shows me my proper path with His light and walks every step of it every day with me and He gave me the love of my life to keep me company on my journey. I'm not at my final destination yet and I don't think I will know until after that last step that I'm there, but I know I will have him and my loving wife by my side to make that last step a joyful one. All of you have made my life's journey an enormous pleasure and honor to have passed you on the way through your journeys.
Keith L. House

Feb.1956 - ?

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