Saturday, December 13, 2014

I met a woman today

I met a woman today that came in to buy a television. I was showing her the various models and I told her that, in my opinion, the Samsung had the best overall picture of any of the televisions today. I showed her a Samsung model that was not a smart TV and she said that was okay, that they did not surf the web that much, so I knew that she knew nothing about what a smart TV really was. I explained to her all of the various channels that are available on such things as smart TV’s and Roku streaming boxes. She seemed extremely interested in both the TV and the Roku box. So I explained more of the features of both the TV and the Roku box and how well they would work together to give them as much entertainment value for the least amount of money. As we went to the register to ring her up she explained that she was buying it for her husband who is battling cancer and going through chemotherapy and that 2014 had been an extremely rough year for them. I told her that it also had been an extremely rough year for us. She also explained to me that her husband was pretty well bedridden and unable to do any of the activities that he used to be able to do and that she was doing this to keep him from being bored and worrying about his situation. I almost broke down right there at the register but I fought back the tears as hard as I could not to upset her. I told her that I would keep her and her husband in my prayers and she then told me that she was a breast cancer survivor. So I shared with her that I had lost my mother at age 52 of breast cancer. I could see that we were both at that point holding back the tears, so I quickly finished the sale and wished her an extremely very Merry Christmas.
God takes the opportunities to bless us and tell us that it could be much worse and that he never puts us through more than we can handle. I must confess though, the thought that I might have given her husband a little bit more joy or happiness by explaining to her what the Roku box had to offer that her husband might like was an unexpectedly nice Christmas present for me. I said a little prayer for both of them on my next break and prayed that they would find the Western channels that he loves so much and that he would find a little joy and happiness from my gesture. There are good people everywhere if you only take the time to look for them.

I know I would be completely beside myself if my wife was going through that kind of pain and misery. I am worried sick about my best friend through junior high school and high school because she is going through that kind of pain and misery. I am concerned for my cousin who just had an operation, and her daughter who was recently in a car accident and I pray for them at least three times a day, if not four. I know that it’s not the amount of times that I pray but the sincerity of my prayer and God knows that I am a compassionate and loving person and I pray for everyone that is hurting, suffering or lost. I say my special prayers for my dearest friend and my lovely cousins every time I speak with my Lord. My best friend was like a little sister to me and when the lady at the store told me her story, I was thinking of my best friend. I know it was selfish and I asked the Lord to forgive me before I prayed for the lady and her husband. God bless them and comfort them and healed them. Amen.

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